
1) Beginning in 2021, each member shall gift a minimum of $200 annually to GremCap through 2030. This $2000 gift over 10 years is encouraged, though not required, to be paid early. 

2) Mitch will have unfettered control & authority to manage GremCap, and there will be no recourse against him under any circumstance. Divorce proceedings notwithstanding.

3) If a member needs to withdraw their money, they may only receive 75% of what was gifted, without interest or gain.  A simple majority vote of members may deem otherwise in the event of extenuating circumstances (taxes may apply).

4) The location of the celebration shall be chosen by majority rule, one vote per member

5) The entire amount of the fund must be spent in 2030, regardless of value, unless there is a two-thirds member vote for an alternate option.